Thursday, March 12, 2015


The City of Ballarat local regime area encompasses both the More preponderant Ballarat urban area and outlying towns with an area of 740 square kilometres (290 sq mi) and has an urban area population of 93,501 Ballarat is its most populous urban centre, seat of local regime and administrative centre.
It was designated by Scottish squatter Archibald Yuille who established the first settlement—his sheep run called Ballaarat—in 1837,[7] with the designation derived from local Wathaurong Aboriginal words for the area, balla arat, thought to mean "reposing place". The present spelling was officially adopted by the City of Ballarat in 1996.
It is one of the most consequential Victorian era boomtowns in Australia. Just months after Victoria was granted disunion from Incipient South Wales, the Victorian gold rush transformed Ballarat from a minute sheep station to a major settlement. Gold was discovered at Penuriousness Point on 18 August 1851 and news expeditiously spread of affluent alluvial fields where gold could facilely be extracted. Within months, approximately 20,000 migrants had rushed the district.[8] Several Australian mining innovations were made at the Ballarat diggings including the first utilization of a Chilean mill in 1851 and the first utilization of a mine cage in 1861.[9] Unlike many other gold rush boom towns, the Ballarat fields experienced sustained high gold yields for decades.
                                                           Ballarat Lake View Hote
                                                          Ballarat Provincial Hotel
The Eureka Revolt commenced in Ballarat, and the only armed revolt in Australian history, the Battle of Eureka Stockade, took place on 3 December 1854. In replication to the event the first male suffrage in Australia was instituted and as such Eureka is interpreted by some as the inchoation of democracy in Australia. The gold rush and boom gave birth in many other paramount cultural legacies. The revolt's symbol, the Eureka Flag has become a national symbol and is held at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka in Ballarat. Other nationally paramount heritage structures include the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, established 1857, the best example of a regional botanic gardens in Australia[10] with the greatest concentration of public statuary[11] including the official Prime Ministers Avenue; the longest running lyric theatre building, Her Majesty's, established 1875;[12] the first municipal observatory, established 1886;[13] and the earliest and longest memorial avenue, the Avenue of Accolade, established between ,

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