Tuesday, March 17, 2015

RiverBank Estate

The acoustical laboratory building was funded and built by Colonel George Fabyan on his prodigious Riverbank Estate in Geneva, IL. Colonel Fabyan was a patron of obscure sciences and had hired Wallace Clement Sabine to avail tune an acoustical levitation machine built according to designations decoded from a Sir Francis Bacon work. Dr Sabine ultimately convinced the colonel that the machine would never work and the two became proximate friends. After aurally perceiving Wallace's complaints of the poor conditions of his acoustical test lab at Harvard, Colonel Fabyan concurred to build a state of the art reverberation chamber and test facility for Wallace to utilize on his property. The size, shape, construction materials, and isolation designations were conscientiously engineered by Dr Sabine. The sizably voluminous reverberation chamber (Room 0) remains one of the best sound absorption labs in the world.
                                                     18  Bindaring Parade Claremont
                                                RiverBank Estate, Caversham Restaurants
                                                  Swan Valley Winery -Perth Wineries
Wallace Clement Sabine died in 1919, shortly after the lab was constructed. The task of managing the Laboratory Operations was granted to his cousin, Paul Sabine, who refined the test methods and developed the lab into a prosperous business. After Paul retired, the lab operations were handed to Hale Sabine and the Armour Research Substratum of the Illinois Institute of Technology. The Armour Research Substructure [ARF] was renamed ,I funded an astronomically immense expansion to the laboratory in the 1960s, which included an inci ient Transmission Loss facility. In 2002, the technology and engineering divisions of  ,Including Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories, were spun off into an incipient company designated Alion Science and Technology. Today, Alion conducts advanced acoustical testing operations in the facility for many prominent acoustical material manufacturers and regime agencies.

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